Production Blog: Peer Review

 Hey blog, it's been a while! But, I'm back with an update on the process of our final task. As I mentioned in one of the previous blogs, the filming is done with. Since I already did my portion of the editing, I decided to get on with the peer review portion. I had someone that I am familiar with to watch my group and I films and give us her honest critiques, her name is Roselyn. Once Roselyn watched my film, she was was fascinated, but had a few recommendations. The first thing Roselyn mentioned is that the music is too low. I had already suspected, but I got the confirmation I needed to make the music of the video higher. The next thing she pointed out was that the one of the scenes were a little too long. Luckily, Roselyn pointed this out and helped my realize. At first, I did not see how the scene was too long but Roselyn helped me notice the mistake. This is an easy fix and I will make sure to fix it in no time. Roselyn pointed out that the camera quality changed. She didn't mean in as a critique, she just wanted to know if that was a mistake or if that was done on purpose. Roselyn also gave a lot of positive feedback as well. Roselyn complimented us on the lighting, costumes, the opening scene with the titles, and the acting. Due to the good acting, Roselyn was able to identify the message and meaning of the opening sequence. However, Roselyn noticed that in two scenes the shots were too far and didn't match what was going on. My group and I will make sure to fix that as soon as we can. Overall, Roselyn believed that the film was enjoyable. I am so grateful for Roselyn's critiques and feedback because now the film will improve. Roselyn described the opening sequence as an "suspenseful mystery that would keep someone entertained the whole time". I will update you guys when I start to make the necessary changes to the blog, until next time!


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